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Divided (2024)  

By Ava Frechette

With the country split into twelve sectors, each zodiac sign is Divided. 


One normal and unsuspecting morning, sixteen-year-old Diana, a Taurus, makes the decision to reunite with her best friend, Peter, a dangerous choice that has been snaking through her mind since the Split. Clinging to the memory of her childhood when they were together, she can’t help but wonder: could they still be friends? Has their relationship changed? Does he long for her the way she longs for him? In order to find answers, she needs to find Peter. 


Peter is a Cancer, and the governmental controls that cage the people of New America forbids her to see him. Determined to seek the truth, she embarks on a treacherous journey with Kiara, an Aries, and Cameron, a Scorpio, two strong-willed teenagers who assist Diana on her mission. Reunited, the group realizes that Peter and Cameron share a dark and dangerous secret, one that the government of New America has spent years trying to cover up. Diana and her friends are now faced with a terrifying question: is spurring a revolution worth risking their lives?

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